I have a lot of dreams.

I have a lot of dreams.  I always have.  They’ve not always been the same dreams though.  And I get new ones all the time… Sometimes when I share a new one with a person named Jenny Cummings, she calmly and seriously replies… “Are you even a real person?”  I am.  I might be odd… but I am very much real.  I pinched myself, so I know.  I’m real, AND I’m awake.

But something amazing is happening… something I delight to give all credit to my Creator for…

I used to dream of being a teacher while also finding time to become famous for both singing and painting…

I used to dream of fancy houses, ball gowns, and frequent dinners that require a multitude of forks…

I used to dream of shiny things and lots and lots of them… and weddings (mostly mine – which would clearly be full of such shiny things and paid for by a rich dude who was going to take me on his fancy business dinners for the rest of our lives… )

I used to dream of kids, who I would dress in the latest trendy outfits and take on vacations to Europe where we would stay in the finest hotels…

I used to dream of living on the beach and having picnics everyday of my life…

I used to dream of making a name for MYSELF…

Now I dream of leaving it all behind and going to a nation that needs to hear about Jesus…

Now I dream of living in an RV or trailer and traveling around the country serving other people…

Now I dream about how intense it could be to share life with some dude who is as crazy as me… and all the damage (in the good sense of the word) we could do together… but I also dream of what my life will look like if I’m doing it solo forever… and I find both dreams to be worth dreaming of…

Now I dream of adopting children who would never know unconditional love otherwise…

Now I dream of finding creative ways to teach people all these crazy things I am learning about giving our lives away to the One who will give us true life in return…

Now I dream of going to the beach frequently, or so, and having picnics on a regular basis… enjoying God’s creation and recharging for the next adventure…

Now I dream about bringing attention to the glory of JESUS name…


I can’t guarantee which of the dreams will remain and will be lived out.  But that last one… it’s the most important and I’m committed to seeing it through… thanks to Jesus, who saved me and continues to change me, bigger dreams are being dreamed… and bigger adventures are being lived… and I’m loving it!!!

One thought on “I have a lot of dreams.

  1. It has been interesting to watch how God has transformed you through the years. I praise God for the dreams that He has given you. He will be glorified as these dreams come to pass. He is the reason for the dreams.

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